Saturday, November 14, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Mums the word..
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
pumpkin bread

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
sausage gravy and buttermilk biscuits

Monday, October 5, 2009
Sweet Aunt Josie and Uncle Bob
God Bless....Amy Jo
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A blustery day......

After work :( I had cheer practice and just got home a little while ago. I had a late dinner and was gonna just call it a day but thought about how I could blog for a minute.. do something I wanted to today! I realy think today has been more like winter.. Its been in the low 50's and with the wind chill..40's.. I love fall but I realy think we r gonna skip fall and go straight into winter. I heard on the news it's gonna freeze tmw night... NO!!! Im not ready!! I dont want to give my garden up yet.!! If that happens, my pumpkin patch is gonna b kaputt! My celery and bro. spouts will like it but the other stuff.. Im sad :(.
i've been working on a yo-yo quilt and I was hoping to have it done in time for the first snow to fall... im not so sure about that now! Well, i better get my darling little kiddos ready for bed! Momma is going right behind them!! ~~~~~~~~~Amy Jo
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Green tomato pie

Green Tomato Pie
Pastry for 2-crust pie~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 cups sliced green tomatos
6 1/2 cups sugar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 tbs. flour
1/4 teaspoon salt~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 tbs. lemon juice
4 teaspoon grated lemon rind~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 tbs. butter
Preheat oven to 450 degrees, line pie pan with pastry.
combine green tomatos with sugar,flour,salt,lemon juice and rind. Pour filling into pastry-lined pan ;dot with butter and cinnamon. cover with top crust.
Bake at 450 degrees for 10 minutes; reduce heat to 350 degrees and bake 30 minutes longer, or until tomatoes are tender.
boy oh boy, mouth watering goodness! hope u enjoy it! May God Bless you today!``````````````````Amy jo
Saturday, September 26, 2009
yellow squash bread
Yellow squash bread
2 cups sugar
1 cup oil
1 tbs. vanilla
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 cups coarsely grated yellow squash
1 cup pecans
preheat oven 350` degrees. grease 2 bread pans, i make a mix of sugar and cin to dust on the bottom of pans.
beat eggs in a large bowl. add sugar, oil, and vanilla to eggs. sift together the flour, cinnamon, baking soda and baking powder and add to egg mixture. Fold in squash and nuts and stir until just mixed. Pour into loaf pans filling half full. sprinkle top with a cinnamon/sugar mix. Bake for appr. 40 to 55 min.. after 40 min i check it and then again until its done. I dont know why but I never can get a perfect time for it. I guess its from the moisture from the squash. after its cooled, slice and eat.. Its realy, realy good and im sure u will add it to ur recipe book!! may God bless you!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Amy Jo
Friday, September 25, 2009
Good old days in the kitchen

I found this book looking for a recipe for dandelion jelly. I found way more than that! This book is a wonderful example of the old way. I wasnt around for that time but for some reason or another i feel i should have been.
I never had a chance to make the jelly but God's will I will next year. for those whom thought it sounded interesting.. here is how its done................................
Dandelion jelly:
Pick 1 quart of fresh dandelion blossems. (none that have been exposed to pesticides, etc.) Quickly rinse blossoms with cool waterto remove any insects. Snip off green collars.
Combine cleaned bloosoms in a saucepan with 2 quarts cold water. Bring to a boil and boil for 3 min. set aside to cool.
Srain liquid, pressing petals with fingers to extract juice.
Measure 3 cups dandelion liquid into a saucepan; add 2 tbs lemon juice and 1 package (13/4 oz) sure jell. Bring to a boil.
Add 5 1/2 cups sugar, stiring well. Boil for 2 1/2 min, stiring well. put in jars and seal.
Sounds easy!! If u r anything like me u cant wait to see those lions in ur backyard again so u can make jelly. well, i better go.. Have a wonderful day and may God bless you!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Amy Jo
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
flowering around
the cat was a surprise, about three mths ago she just showed up out of no where. she is a doll.. lovable and all. We feed her and she lives outside. I didnt give her a name. She would b ours if I did that.. :)she is so sweet, she will wait for us to get home at night, as soon as u open the van door and take a step out she is there to rub her body on u. in the mornings when i go out to sut on the porch to drink my coffee... she is right there. she will jump up and lay on me puring.. so sweet. My cat Grim passed away a few mths ago and I said then that I will never have another cat.. well right about that time is when she came. She is trying to prove me wrong. :)
This is the first year I realy got into [erennials and man they r rewarding!! I LOVE SPENDING TIME WITH MY FLOWERS!!! these r batchalor buttons. well, they r about to b done for the season but, when they r at there best they r beautiful!!
Down here is my super mum.. I say that because its HUGE!!!! I had to move a few plants around it b/c it was just growing over them. I think they r gonna b white.. im not sure but I will try to take a pic when they do bloom and show ya.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The Breaks tri state gospel singing
just a hello.
Canning season has been going great this year. my second year and I realy feel good about it. The Lord has realy been good to me this year. My garden did so good, Im canning my heart out. To be honest with u though... I love it! I love everything about it! ive done pickles.. kraut, tomatos, relish..jams. To me its a stress relief when I can go into my kitchen.. turn on some great gospel music and can. sometimes I get Blessed and next thing u know I got my hand in the air, crying, praising the Lord and about to shout.
well, my family and I went to The Breaks in VA this past Labor day weekend.. Man that was good. im gonna put some pics up next time and tell ya all about it.. I cant wait until next year..
Well,, got to go to cheer prac.. blog ya later!!! Amy Phillips
Friday, August 21, 2009
How have ya'll been?
i've been so crazy busy... i offen wonder (will I ever get to blog again). well, im working on it... my kiddos have my husband and I running around like chics with there heads cut off! and, football season is here so guess what? one more thing! I took over the cheer squad this year so...big coach job i have know!! any how.. summer has been wonderful. we had a great year. the kids went back to school yest. boy summer flies by! any how.. i will b blogging and catching up.. but I am here. everything is good and God Bless!!! -amy
Saturday, March 21, 2009
yes, im still here!
Well, spring has come, even though it don't feel like it outside. Mty husbands birthday was yesturday. The kids and I took him out to the movies. We go to a town about 30 miles away from us where you get into the movies for $2.00 a person. $0.50 on mondays.they show movies that are new but, not as new. We watched Marley and me.>>>> I CRIED!!! My girls cried. so sad.
Soccar will be starting in a couple of weeks as if i needed more to do.. my youngest daughter broke her toe a couple weeks ago and she goes to the doc. tue. to get it x-rayed again to see if its healed. if not, no soccar season for her. She would be so upset. We how ever pray its good to go. I dont want her to be upset and have to watch her other sisters and brother play and not her.
I was planning on starting spring cleaning today. lol.. see what in doing right now?
Anyway, Just wanted everyone to know, things r good here in ohio and I will post when I get a free minute> May God Bless You!! Amy Jo
Friday, January 9, 2009
how do ya'll have time????
I hope ya'll had a wonderful Christmas and a wonderful New Year!! My family and I did. We spent New Years at church. We didnt get home until around 2 AM. We have a chruch service that is just a blessing on New Years. We do a foot washing and everything. How great is it that you can wash a great sisters feet? Im so glad That my Year was brought in while my self, husband, and children was at church worshiping God.
As for now, Well, things have got better for me at work, thank you to all who said a prayer for me. Things have changed there a lot and the Lord has blessed my heart there. I fell in love again with my job. I work with mentaly retarded people. I just love them~! I truly believe this is what God had in store for me. This is where he wants me. My job is hard, challenging, and stressful. It's hard sometimes haveing a full time job, four kids, a house, sports,all the momma stuff, wife stuff, church stuff, you know im a multi working. Im sure I have hundreds of titles. Any how because I get so tired at work, Im so tired at home! Im sure im ramping on and probably have spelling mistakes all over the screen<>lol
Anyway, I rely have been feeling good. I realy think I had a little of a depression for the past few weeks. My husband and I have had family probs with my sister and his brother. My sister just got the big D from her husband and has went down the wrong road, she once was a church going woman, a sunday school teacher. Then, this happend ( i didn't want to happen). She has turned around. Tatoos, cussing, just not her. I love her and I don't want to see her waste her life as she is. I don't understand. WHY is she doing this to herself?? She said she feels God turned his back on her I know she has turned her back on him!! I have fight with her and fight. I finally decided not to speak with her for awhile. I'm not sure if thats what im suppose to do but, I know she's draining me emotionaly. My husbands brother?? I don't have all night. Pray for all of us.
I've got the weather on and we are going to be getting a big storm tonight. 4-6 in tonight. 6-9 mors during the day tomarrow. Well, as my best girl friend teresa say's, im gonna have a love affair with my sofa!! It's movie day for the kiddo's and momma!!
I made chilli the other day and opened up some jars of tomatos I canned over the fall, oh boy! They smelled just like my garden. They was so good! last year was my first year. I can't wait until next.
Well, im just mumbloging so I better get off to bed. I hope I get more time to blog! Pray for me blog world and I will you!!! May God bless you a million times 10 this week!!!!
hugs and kisses, Amy Jo
Monday, December 22, 2008
I've just been so busy!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Time is running out!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Wow, where did this come from???
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
1. my salvation
2. my family
3. friends
4.a home
5. a wonderful church
6. a job
God Bless, Amy Jo
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
The first fluffy snow
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
SOOOOO Busy!!!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
God knows what he's doing
Monday, November 3, 2008
Christmas, really????
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Luke 6:45
Saturday, November 1, 2008
thinking turkey